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Judges List Information

The Society compiles a judging list each year in line with The Kennel Club mandatory requirements. Judging lists are available from the Secretary for use by canine Societies when selecting judges. Applications for inclusion in the judging list must be made on the Society’s formal application only. The annual close-off date for such applications is 31st March each year however, we will review applications as and when we receive them and alter the online judges list accordingly throughout the year. 

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR):

Please note that successful applicants' names and contact details will be put on the PWD GB website and sent to show societies for their use but will not be used for any other purpose. Should you wish any details not to be published, please contact the Secretary.

Please read the PWD GB GDPR Policy HERE


The online Judges List is continually updated throughout the year

Roll Of Honour

Mrs A Arch

Mrs P Bonos

Mrs P Chadwick

Ms P Gilpin

The Late Mrs F Somerfield

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